Membership Reimbursement 

1. NUS Libraries Personal External Membership


DSO staff members can apply for a Personal External Membership to use NUS libraries.


Click here to download a copy of the application form.


Please note:

A. NUS Alumni

1. Please check against ‘Alumni’ on application form.

2. You are to quote your Alumnus Card number and attach a photocopy of the card.


B. Non-NUS Alumni

1. Please check against ‘Senior government officer’ on application form.

2. You are to present NUS Library with a letter from HR as proof of your employment with DSO. The letter must indicate your name and appointment. Please send an email to HR Helpdesk a few days before collection to allow them time to prepare the letter.


DSO IRC will reimburse staff members 50% of the Basic Membership annual subscription fee, excluding the one-time registration fee of S$32.10.


Please note:

A. After you made full payment of the subscription fee to NUS, please bring the original receipt from NUS to DSO IRC. We will indicate on the original receipt that a reimbursement of 50% will be made by DSO IRC. We will then make a copy of the receipt to arrange for Finance to credit the reimbursed amount into your bank account.


B. NUS Alumni

1. The Basic Membership annual subscription fee is S$107.00. DSO IRC will reimburse S$53.50.


C. Non-NUS Alumni

1. The Basic Membership annual subscription fee is S$160.50. DSO IRC will reimburse S$80.25.


D. You can use flex points from your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to claim the other 50% of the subscription fee paid.

